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Monday, June 14, 2010

avoiding heart disease

* Don’t worry about your cholesterol, Although keep check on its level— the stress of unnecessary worry can contribute to heart disease.

* Do not take cholesterol lowering drugs, they contribute to heart failure.

* Avoid processed food, especially food containing processed vegetables oils and fats.

* Eat the meals, fats and organ meats of grass-fed animals.

* Eat plenty of wild-caught seafood.

* Don’t consume protein powders, lean meat, egg whites without yolks or skim milk. High protein diets lacking the nutrients supplied by animal fats deplete vitamin A, leading to heart disease.

* Eat liver at once in a month to ensure adequate levels of vitamin B12, B6, folic acid, iron, copper.

* Take cod liver oil and consume plenty of utter from grass-fed cows to ensure adequate levels of vitamin A and D.

* Maintain a healthy weight, either too heavy neither too thin.

* Engage in moderate exercise in outdoors.

* Don’t smoke.

* Avoid exposure to environmental toxins.

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